A/B testing, at its simplest, is randomly showing a visitor one version of a page- (A) version or (B) version- and tracking the changes in behavior based on which version they saw. (A) version is normally your existing design (“control” in statistics lingo); and (B) version is the “challenger” with one copy or design element changed. In a “50/50 A/B split test,” you’re flipping a coin to decide which version of a page to show. A classic example would be comparing conversions resulting from serving either version (A) or (B), where the versions display different headlines. A/B tests are commonly applied to clicked-on ad copy and landing page copy or designs to determine which version drives the more desired result. Source: SEMPO
The various mass media that can be employed to carry advertising messages to potential audiences or target markets for products, services, organizations, or ideas. These media include newspapers, magazines, direct mail advertising, Yellow Pages, radio, broadcast television, cable television, outdoor advertising, transit advertising, and specialty advertising.
Creative messaging that presents and maintains a consistent corporate image across all media channels, including search. Source: SEMPO
The value of a brand. From a consumer perspective, brand equity is based on consumer attitudes about positive brand attributes and favorable consequences of brand use.
A person with good verbal abilities who is talented in creating advertising ideas and skilled at writing advertising copy.
Crowdsourcing is the process of posing a question or problem to a large group of people to try to get to the best answer quickly.
The part of a marketing message that attempts to persuade a person to perform a desired action.
A call to action aims to persuade a visitor to perform a certain act immediately. “Buy Now!” and “Register Today!” are some common examples. The call to action is intended to improve the market’s response rate to the ad copy, as its absence may cause a visitor to forget about the ad and move on to other things.
A term referring to a wide variety of Internet-based business models. Typically, an e-commerce strategy incorporates various elements of the marketing mix to drive users to a Web site for the purpose of purchasing a product or service.
What is said about you on the Internet.
On-line reputation is the addition of all the contents and comments about a person, a company, or an institution posted on the web.
Sharing is caring and inbound is about creating and sharing content with the world. By creating content specifically designed to appeal to your dream customers, inbound attracts qualified prospects to your business and keeps them coming back for more.
An advertising message or advertising campaign that has the primary purpose of promoting the name, image, personnel, or reputation of a company, organization, or industry. When employed by a company or corporation it is sometimes called corporate advertising.
Institutional advertising = Corporate advertising
Source: AMA – American Marketing Association
KPI are metrics used to quantify objectives that reflect the strategic performance of your online marketing campaigns. They provide business and marketing intelligence to assess a measurable objective and the direction in which that objective is headed. Source: SEMPO
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Source: The MASB Common Language Project.
The efforts of a company or a third-party marketing company to increase awareness for a particular product or service, or to increase consumer awareness of a business or organization. A marketing campaign has a limited duration.
Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/marketing-campaign.html#ixzz447UYa58q
Marketing Communications (MarCom) are coordinated promotional messages and related media used to communicate with a market. Marketing communications messages are delivered through one or more channels such as print, radio, television, direct mail, and personal selling.
Source: https://www.ama.org/resources/Pages/Dictionary.aspx?dLetter=M
Online means on the Internet.
Offline means: not on the Internet. Refers to press, radio, television etc…
The process by which packages are created. Occasionally, it is used as synonymous with package.
Used for all printed collaterals : catalogues, brochures, mailing campaigns etc…
An advertiser pays for the chance to have their ad display when a user searches for a given keyword. These are usually text ads, which are displayed above or to the right of the algorithmic (organic) search results. Most search ads are sold by the PPC model, where the advertiser pays only when the user clicks on the ad or text link.
Source: Lazworld
The process of developing a marketing/technical plan to ensure effective use of search engines as a marketing tool. Typically, consists of two elements. On a technical side, SEO refers to ensuring that a Web site can be indexed properly by the major search engines including keywords, content, and links. On the marketing side, SEO refers to the process of targeting specific keywords where the site should “win” in searches. This can be done by modifying a Web site to score well in the algorithms search engines use to determine rank, or by purchasing placement with individual keywords. Often , SEO programs are a blend off several elements and strategies.
Source: AMA – American Marketing Association
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising. SEM may incorporate search engine optimization (SEO), which adjusts or rewrites website content and site architecture to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages to enhance pay per click (PPC) listings.
Source: Wikipedia
SERP: Search Engine Results Pages
Primarily internet or cellular phone based applications and tools to share information among people. Social media includes popular networking websites, like Facebook and Twitter; as well as bookmarking sites like Digg or Reddit. It involves blogging and forums and any aspect of an interactive presence which allows individuals ability to engage in conversations with one another, often as a discussion over a particular blog post, news article, or event.
Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/social-media.html#ixzz447rxBtsV